If you’re a woman wanting a baby you are probably very familiar with all the small changes a woman’s body goes through when she conceived. It is these early signs of pregnancy that often tip a couple off to the fact that they are soon to be parents. The signs differ from woman to woman though and any one of them can also be indicative of something else. However, if a woman has several there’s an increasingly good chance that she’s carrying a baby.
Probably the most obvious change that a woman is apt to notice is her missed period. Once a woman becomes pregnant, her menstrual cycle stops. She’ll find herself being late and if there are other early signs of pregnancy present, she’s bound to jump to the conclusion that she’s going to be a mom. There are other reasons for menstrual changes though, so if none of the other early signs of pregnancy are being felt it’s wise to see a doctor about what might be the root cause.
Breast changes also occur. A woman may notice that her breasts have become very tender and slightly swollen. Another of the early signs of pregnancy in many women is the veins on her chest become darker. She may look in a mirror and suddenly notice what looks like a complicated road map on her chest. This increased blood flow is one of the early signs of pregnancy that many women aren’t aware of.
Feeling very tired is common for women right before they are scheduled to get their period. It’s also one of the early signs of pregnancy. If an otherwise healthy and vibrant woman suddenly feels like turning in at 7 pm or if she needs a nap mid-day this may be a good sign that she’s conceived. This very tired feeling does pass though, but all expectant moms will agree that extra sleep is a very good thing.
We’ve all heard the stories of a friend or relative who became very nauseous each morning and realized from this that they were pregnant. Morning sickness is unfortunately one of the early signs of pregnancy no woman welcomes. The fact is that morning sickness can last well beyond the morning hours and creep into the entire day. Thankfully this is one of the early signs of pregnancy that does disappear with each passing week.
Seeing the doctor is really important for any woman who does think she’s pregnant. Although most home pregnancy tests are very accurate, a doctor can discuss with a woman her due date and also her nutritional needs. A visit to the doctor early can help a woman deliver a healthy, happy baby nine months later.